
Problem Glyphs Art Book by Eliza Gauger

Created by Eliza Gauger

The first official art book for artist Eliza Gauger's Problem Glyphs. 100 Glyphs collected in a premium edition art book.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Shipping complete, limited edition available now
over 6 years ago – Thu, Sep 07, 2017 at 09:41:18 PM

Hello all!

As most of you are well aware, the vast majority of rewards have been shipped and received. A handful remain to process due to quality control issues with some art prints, but we expect to ship these remaining 20 or so orders tomorrow evening. That leaves us with a number of errored or incomplete surveys to address. If you are still waiting for your rewards don't receive a shipping notification tomorrow evening (09/08, expect an email from us asking for clarification about your survey or shipping info within the following few days. 

With shipping just about wrapped, our publisher, Strix Publishing, has released the book for general sale. The standard edition now retails for $49.99 and is available through their webstore

We are also very proud to announce the release of the ultra limited leather-bound edition of Problem Glyphs.




Featuring a genuine leatherbound cover with gilt page edges, and a four hub spine, this deluxe edition is limited to 100 copies, each signed and numbered by Eliza Gauger.

We'd also like to thank everyone who attended the Seattle Problem Glyphs event in August. We had a tremendous night and it was a pleasure to meet so many of our supporters.





We're also very excited to announce the release of the Problem Glyphs app for iOS!

Features include:

Search for glyphs by name, tag, or content. 

Favorites, to keep track of all the glyphs you need to return to. 

Random: an easy way to pull just the right glyph out of the aether. 

Glyph Details, to read the full text, date, and tags of the original glyph posting. 

Sharing, to send glyphs to yourself on other platforms, to friends, or to easily post them outside the app.

Once again, thank you so much for your support and patience as we created the first Problem Glyphs art book. We're already hard at work on follow up projects and will keep you posted as the Glyphs continue to do their work.

Seattle Problem Glyphs event and book signing!
almost 7 years ago – Mon, Jul 31, 2017 at 05:02:06 PM

Hello all!

First and foremost, we are nearing completion of shipping. We've now shipped over 550 of approximately 720 rewards. If you haven't received yours yet, our apologies for the wait but your books and prints will be on their way soon. We'd hope to have completed fulfillment sooner, but the sheer size of the books sets a hard limit upon how many packages can fit in our facility's secure mail cage! Since we share facilities we have to work around another company's schedule and can't inconvenience them by hogging their entire mail cage several times a week, which has limited the rate at which we can process orders. That said, with less than 200 to go, we expect to have them all shipped within the next 10 business days. You will receive an email notification with your shipping info when processed. Thanks again for your patience, we're nearly there!

We're also excited to announce a release party for the book! Join us from 9 AM to 1 AM, August 11th, at Fred Wildlife Refuge, 127 Boylston Ave E, Seattle, WA 98102! Eliza will reading from her introduction, taking Q&A, and signing books. Problem Glyphs books—including the new leatherbound ultra-limited edition—will be for sale, as well as pins, art prints, and some of Eliza's other work.

There will be music, a cash bar, and raffles for Problem Glyphs and Strix Publishing merchandise. As a "thank you" to all our backers, each of you will receive a free raffle ticket. There's no cover, but a $5 suggested donation, but you've all done enough for us already so please don't feel obligated! We hope to see as many of you as possible. 

Finally, on the following evening, of August 12th, Strix Publishing will be vending in support of The Satanic Temple - Seattle Chapter's fundraiser event. 10% of Strix Publishing's proceeds for the evening will be donated to the fundraiser for reproductive rights. Eliza will be in attendance signing books, and we hope to see many of you at this worthy event.

Thank you again!

Books are here, shipping begins 07/08!
almost 7 years ago – Tue, Jul 04, 2017 at 01:03:54 AM

The books have arrived!


They're here and we think they look wonderful. We hope you agree when you start receiving them next week. We are preparing to begin shipping this Saturday, July 8th, when our shared facility opens again after the holiday. Given our small staff and the large number of orders, shipping may take place in several waves but we anticipate having all rewards shipped no later than 07/24. 

The digital edition will be fulfilled on or around 07/16 along with other digital rewards such as art instruction or tarot readings.

Surveys and shipping information is now locked on Backerkit, but if you now realize your shipping info is incorrect please email [email protected] with the correct information no later than Friday, 07/07 and we will update it for you.

We are also excited to announce that we have produced an ultra-limited edition of the Problem Glyphs art book. This superlative version of the book is limited to 100 copies, gilt-edged, and bound in genuine bonded leather with a four-hub spine. Each copy is signed and numbered by Gauger. This edition will be available for sale at a price of $150 along with the standard edition once all rewards have shipped to you, our backers. However, we'd like to offer you first crack at these books before the general public. If you'd like to reserve a copy please email [email protected] for details.

Special edition, leather bound cover with gold foil stamped illustration
Special edition, leather bound cover with gold foil stamped illustration


Signed and numbered by Eliza Gauger
Signed and numbered by Eliza Gauger




Four hub spine
Four hub spine


We're almost at the finish line, thank you again for your support and patience!

Advance copies have arrived, production complete, shipping charges imminent!
almost 7 years ago – Sun, May 07, 2017 at 12:30:29 AM

We are extremely pleased to share with you the news that we have received our advance copies and have approved the print run!






The book is enormous. A big, weird, and overwhelmingly physical manifestation of Problem Glyphs. The Smyth sewn binding is also proving its worth as the book lays open almost perfectly flat even from its middle spread. We're really thrilled with the quality and hope you will be too. 

With the advance copies complete we will pay the remainder of the print costs and our printer will arrange for the shipment to be made to Seattle. We anticipate 6-8 weeks at most before their arrival. This final stage took a little longer than expected to arrive. Our printer had some last minute concerns about the fineness of the illustration in regards to the foil stamping and wanted to make sure the process would work. As you can see, we had nothing to worry about but we wanted to be absolutely positive we were producing the book we promised and we hope you'll forgive this final delay of a few weeks. We apparently pushed the limitations of our printer's presses but we think it really paid off. 

With the print run complete we are ready to begin charging shipping via Backerkit. The vast majority of you have completed your Backerkit surveys and need take no further action. If you have not yet filled out your survey, please do so here:

We will begin locking surveys and charging cards on Wednesday, May 10th. Note: We will not finalize addresses until shortly before we begin shipping in June. We'll post a reminder here a few days before we do so in order to give you as much time as possible to update your mailing addresses should you need to do so.

We are also still accepting pre-orders for anyone who may have missed the Kickstarter. Just send them this link and their pre-orders will ship shortly after we process all of the Kickstarter backers orders. 

Thank you again for your patience and support.

Bog Blessings!

PS: We'll also have some news soon about an ultra limited edition version of the Problem Glyphs art book. Keep an eye on this space and our various social media channels for more news later this month.

The Ecstacy of Gold
about 7 years ago – Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 07:17:57 PM

 As you can see, the case sample has arrived and it is stunning. 

 With this now in hand and approved, we are just awaiting the final invoice for the remainder of the print run. Then the book will be bound and shipped to the Strix Publishing facility in Seattle. Our next update will hopefully be to share that news and possibly a look at the advance copies of the book!

 In the meantime, 91% of you have filled out your Backerkit surveys, so thank you! If you haven't yet there's still time to do so. We'll be charging cards so we can order shipping supplies around May 10th and we'll post an update giving 72 hours warning before we do so. 

Pre-orders are also still available, so tell your friends in case they missed out on the Kickstarter:

Thanks again for your support and patience as we move into the final phases of production!